Bright Mentors

11+ Tutoring

The demand for 11+ Grammar School placement has grown considerably over the years with approximately 6,000 students taking the test every year.

We have specialised in 11+ Grammar preparation for the King Edwards Birmingham schools for boys and girls for a number of years. Our number of intakes has grown exponentially over the years by the sheer number of passes/success.

We normally advise parents to start early as Year 4 as it gives us two years to nurture and create a disciplined study routine that helps relieve pressure of parents when approaching examination. We do take on Year 5 pupils and normally enrolment occurs on the third week of September. Applicants looking to join after September will have to undergo short English & Maths assessment.

We mentor and guide our students to eventually possess a self-growth attitude where they are competing whilst also working on their strengths and weaknesses. We cover the following in accordance to GL/CEM examination board guidelines: –

  • English

– Reading Comprehension Practice & Application

– Extensive Word bank + Synonyms + Antonyms

– Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Rules (SPaG)


  • Maths
  • 15+ topics taught including, Numbers, Factors, Statistics, Algebra, Shapes, Fraction, Decimal, percentages, Time, Money etc.
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning
  • Taught all style of questions with critical & logical thinking     methods. These include, Complete the Pair, Vertical Codes, Odd One Out etc.
  • Verbal Reasoning– GL and CEM Based style questions covered so they are well prepared and equipped for anything that may come up.

In lead up to examination we give in-house style Mock papers on a weekly basis that matches what they may expect in their actual examination.

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